Why back pain after delivery

Mothers often back pain after the birth. Also, the discomfort it may take quite a while. This difference overshadows the joy of communicating child.

back pain after birth

There back pain after the birth of small, may cause a serious problem. A woman's body is greatly weakened, therefore more health back pain weaken. It is advisable not necessarily the expert, the reasons may be different.

Hurting your back last after birth treatment depends on the diagnosis. Therefore, the value of its own problems to deal with. But the obstacle is not completely prevention measures.

Causes discomfort

After birth, you know why's no harm done to start cheering for them to return. The thing is, it was easy for a kid to rebuild a woman's body during pregnancy. The last trimester is very soft cartilage into connection, easy for it to come out a little light. As a result, pain in the lumbosacral spine, and therefore back pain after the birth.

Hormonal imbalance due to the delivery connection and the bond stretched back to the woman very slowly and cartilage discomfort. I felt pain in the back and blades after birth for various reasons.

  • Strong back muscles tension. To relax the muscles of the waist of the baby during birth you can take out the fruit. Occurs as a result hyperbolicity Nov, knives. Why this happens the pain.
  • Low back pain, scoliosis, and other issues also causes discomfort. The situation is bad, when you had a woman before pregnancy wrong posture. If we take the posture during carrying a child and even more powerful bond to its normal state it is quite painful alignment and rotation Nov.
  • Cheering because of intercostal neuralgia last birth then you can spin strongly, because of nervous stress or dry, women tortured for a long time.
  • The disease of the internal organs.
  • Intervertebral hernia.

A patient after the birth of an entire heavy spin, but my back especially.

This event is also a few explanations:

  • inflammation in the lower spine sections;
  • birth injuries: child passes the birth canal squeeze the blood vessels and jam that can be caused by Slipped Disc, spinal column;
  • the problem is, current pregnancy, acute, therefore, can cause severe pain;
  • changes of hormonal background;
  • extended pelvic muscles;
  • deformation of the muscles of the waist: the waist fabric ligamentous abdominal very tense and shortened due to the rapid growth, therefore, a woman feels back pain after birth.
back pain after the birth what should I do

Prevention of pathology

Back pain is common after giving birth women are usually interested in, no problem. But the best stimulate pathology, treatment. There are several effective prevention methods. However, it is best to consult a doctor, of what I'll explain in detail after the birth, never before, all the patient's waist or spin.

  • Least 6 months, one day a little light to emerge, eliminate physical violence not to carry heavy load. There is a risk that we need to save the back and abdominal muscles, otherwise you may damage it.
  • During pregnancy weight follow. Even a few extra pounds that can cause powerful discomfort.
  • Take time, of course it exercises. If the lessons will start again, dispose of them. An important regularity, not the intensity. You try doing gymnastics every morning.
  • Up out of bed slowly, not largely. Turn around, bend your knees and your knees to the side on the edge.
  • Started to get back ache after childbirth to feed the baby right. Foot Ottoman comfortable to sit under a seat, the head fold back. Try to accustom, child nutrition side. Therefore, you will be in a relaxed state on Nov.
  • Careful choose a bed. Best to buy the hard bed, the spine is useful for. A small pillow under the child seat the level of the knee.
  • After giving birth, not before, and in the lumbar region of the back wing if you're patient, be gentle with her. Once you try, never bent, height, changing table, bathroom, and bed was appropriate for swimming. If you have to upgrade anything with sex, kneel, squat or stand. During the harvest, a circle, not when it is running lean, vacuum or mop.

Of course, women do comment on what you read in spin after birth if it hurts. But he has to give detailed suggestions, it's just he's a doctor. Maybe a visit to a specialist that will prevent a serious problem, so don't delay.

How to deal with the problem

Well, what to do, if from the beginning after the birth of a seriously ill spin. A chiropractor will help. See osteopaths because I felt the stones and other discomfort or a manual of the coccyx bones. MRI expert guidance to reveal the presence or absence of intervertebral hernia. In some cases, you must go to ULTRASOUND of the internal organs X-ray and other research, to understand why back pain after the birth, both in the field flanks or waistline, you.

Very commonly used in physical therapy, various physiotherapy manipulation. It is extremely rare that during breastfeeding the medication is applied.

Sometimes it is assigned as anti-inflammatory ointment. It's a lesson they used tropical and small. A special exercise to make your back hurt after birth.

  1. Lean hands on the rear of the chair with legs apart, knees directly at the shoulder width. Are a bunch of sheep, and other waist. The lumbar muscles strain, try, like, mentally forcing them to rise.
  2. Stand up, his back to the wall. You need to contact, hip, shoulder, and neck. A few minutes in this position must stop.
  3. Shoulder squeeze, put down your hands and chin to the chest tap. First breath, then exhale, raise your head, shoulders and hands before you drop the resource. The exercise is repeated several times.

After birth, the regular charge for a back massage doesn't hurt either. The best treatment, but to get started, simply at least 2 weeks later the birthday of baby. Best massage and self-massage

postpartum back pain massage

Massage is useful has the following characteristics:

  • accelerates the recovery of the body during the carrying a child and her birthday vstavit;
  • improved blood circulation, joint;
  • Nov Tonus recovery;
  • strengthening fiber apparatus.

If a watch after giving birth, back massage, especially, by the way. A strong procedure that will reduce discomfort. Important the selection of a responsible approach by a professional massage. A newborn baby white pimples on face Pro.